Liebster award


Part of accepting this award is answering questions chosen for you by the person who nominated you.

Here are my questions from Tomatoempire:

1. What do you want to accomplish by blogging?

I would like to share my life moments in a simple but interesting way.

2. What household chore do you hate the most?

I hate dusting so much.

3. What is your favorite memory from growing up?

I will always remember the nice picnics I had on the park with my grandparents.

4. What’s your favorite TV show and why?

I love watching  Masterchef, a cooking challenge between chefs.

5. What is your favorite thing about blogging and why?

I love the possibility to share with other people my thoughts, ideas and recipes. It is like reciprocal communication in distance.

6. If you had to move to another country RIGHT NOW what country would you pick and why?

Australia because of the nice weather.

7. Where do you see yourself in 5 years and what are you doing?

I hope I will be happy with myself and doing the job I like.

8. What super power would you choose to have?

I would like to have a special quick transportation ability, so that I could be in different places whenever I want to.

9. What is your guilty pleasure?


10. What famous person would you like to meet?

Mother Theresa and Shakespeare, the way that both of them communicated with people was really inspiring.


Now it is time for me to in turn, to nominate some blogs. These are bloggers that I feel are doing a really lovely job and I enjoy reading their post.  They are however under absolutely no obligation to accept the award! This is just to say keep up the good work! 🙂

My nomination’s for this award are…

Jennilala – I enjoy her passion for fashion blog and the positive feeling you get from it. 🙂

Shivaaydelights I like very much her recipes and the meticulous photos she adds to any recipe.

VernetteOutLoud – A great photography and motivational blog, perfect junction between colour,nature and material and positivity

Litadoolan – A new different and innovative blog, I love her posts, the way she reproduces her ideas and thoughts is clear and flattering.

Marisariback –  This blog  focuses upon helping people reach their goals and feel positive about themselves.

My simple delights –  I love the way the recipes are introduced to the reader, the photos are really beautiful and full of colours.


Rules for the Nominees:

If you are nominated for a Liebster Award and choose to accept, this is what you should do:
1. Post the award on your blog
2. Thank the blogger who presented the award to you and link back to their blog
3. Answer the questions given to you by the nominator
4. Nominate 5 to 10 bloggers with less than 200 followers
5. Create 10 questions for your nominees to answer
6. Notify your nominees by posting on their blog

And now …here are your questions. 🙂

1. What do you want to accomplish by blogging?

2. Do you usually plan what you post or not?

3. What is your favorite memory when you were a child?

4. What’s your musical band or singer and why?

5. What is your favorite thing about blogging and why?

6. If you had to move to another country RIGHT NOW what country would you pick and why?

7. Where do you see yourself in 5 years and what are you doing?

8. What super power would you choose to have?

9. What is your guilty pleasure?

10. What famous person would you like to meet?


Thanks again to Tomatoempire for the nomination, it was so nice of you to think of me.  Congratulations to all the nominees and fellow bloggers, you all do a great job every day!


  1. Congratulations Alice! And thank you so much for the nomination! And kind words x


    1. You are most welcome keep up with the good work!☺


  2. Bravo!! Congratulations Alice on this well deserved award! Your writing is so engaging, you inspire me to try out these interesting recipes (like filo pastry with yogurt, leek and spinach which is yum!). Each post is thorough and factually correct, like magic detox water. Your blog rocks and I look forward to enjoying more of your posts. Hearty cheers to you! Hip hip 🙂

    I can’t wait to check out the exciting blogs you nominate.


    1. Thank you litadoolan for the nice words, keep up with the amazing work! I feel really honoured to have received this award, it was a nice surprise!


  3. Congratulations Alice! I really enjoy reading your blog and sharing some similiar situations with you! Thank you so much for the nomination! 😊


  4. Ps. I had to Google what the award was all about! Such a newbie! Haha!


    1. 😃 Thank you for the nice words! Keep up with the good work!


  5. Congratulations on getting not one but two blogging awards! I think.I must be working in a vacuum as I’m following bloggers, liking and commenting etc…but not really getting much back in return :-(. Certainly no nominations for anything. But a lot of spam though. What am I doing wrong?


    1. Thank you for the nice words,
      It will take sometimes before you get something back, the important is to enjoy blogging and sharing you ideas/experiences 🙂


      1. I hope so :-). I shall keep plugging away. Keep up your great blog, your recipes sound yummy!


      2. Thank you very mcuh, you’re really kind, really appreciated 🙂


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