Category cooking

Mushrooms, peas, cheese pasta

This is why I love cooking mushrooms!!!

Recipe: Paccheri pasta with mushroom and peas I know many people who aren’t very keen on eating mushrooms, a solution to this could be trying to cook it in different new ways which really enhances its amazing flavour. Mushroom is usually grilled or simply put on the pizza but there are a variety of them […]

Salmon fillet roasted in foil with mashed potatoes and carrots

Yesterday my “hubby” was  feeling  a bit poorly so I had  to take care of him ( you know how men are about having just 2 lines of fever more than normal). I didn’t have much time to cook properly because after work I was feeling exhausted so had to prepare something really fast but […]

Turkey thigh with homemade gravy

Turkey Thigh (Flintstones’ style for my husband)

Today we had this special dish which is basically a  whole huge turkey thigh cooked with some basic vegetables (carrots,onion,garlic,sellery) and white wine. Of course I couldn’t forget to make a special gravy to go with it.

Stuffed vegetables

Stuffed Vegetables with Tuna

I believe that vegetables are so versatile when it comes to cooking, that you can’t just have them boiled or fried, why not try to roast and fill them but with something different, you will end up eating something healthy and delicious and less expensive.

Crunchy Roasted Potatoes (healthy version)

Crunchy Roasted potatoes (Healthy version)

Potatoes are my favourite vegetable and I like to cook it when I want to avoid  eating bread, rice or pasta. This recipe is really simple and works every time, it worked even with my husband (he didn’t like potatoes very much but he really likes this roasted potatoes recipe), I use it as a […]


My healthy breakfast photo: milk, cereals, a banana and blueberries